31st Picnic Reunion was a success. Click here to view photos!
We are adding more material, so check back with us often. We are working towards a special web site for a very special family. Email feedback and/or suggestions to webdivas@mitterando.com or sign our guestbook. Irene and Dale |
View latest Mitterando memories entry
Richie Mitterando has shared more of his fond memories of the Bronx and Mastic Beach. Click here to view. Don't miss it!
Laura Vingara and Kristeen help Yanks close House That Ruth Built
On September 21, 2008 Laura and her friend, Kristeen, witnessed history being made when the Yanks played their last game at Yankee Stadium. Click here to read their impressions of that historic night and view a slide show of some of the great pictures they took.
Picnic 2008 recap available
Once again, our family scribe, Marge Cervone, has captured the highlights of the 2008 picnic reunion. Read the update.
Michael Ratigan and Skip La Rocca are 2008 Father of the Year Winners
We had a tie for the coveted Father of the Year award at our annual picnic. Michael Ratigan and Skip La Rocca are the 2008 Father of the Year award winners. Be sure to view their picture on the Father of the Year Photo Gallery.
60 years of married bliss
Ellen & Al La Rocca will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on May 22nd 2008. Read more about how you can share this very special occassion with them.
Recipes Needed
Do you have a favorite recipe that Mom, Dad, Grandma or Grandpa used to make? How about Aunt Molly, Aunt Dolly or recipes that have become your family's favorites? We have had some great cooks and terrific food in our family, and still do. Please share them with us and keep them for the generations to follow.