
The family picnic reunion is the annual event we all look forward to every year, rain or shine (read the 1982 and 1991 Newsday articles about our picnic). The reunion takes months to plan (kudos to the Cervones). It is a time to get together with family, get up-to-date on the latest news and reminisce about all the happy times we shared as a family. This is also a time to welcome new babies born during the year and celebrate the lives of those that are no longer with us.
The highlight of the day is the presentation of the Father of the Year award to one of our deserving dads. This event has been going on since Uncle Nappy won the first award in 1983. See a listing of all the winners and Father of the year photo gallery.
We look forward to Carol Ann's all male review and wonder what dance routine and costumes she will come up with next. Special games are run to delight the children and one of the favorites is Laura Vingara's piņata. We line up to get our copies of the MittNews - a yearly publication of family news put together by our Editor-in-Chief, Kimberly Coco.
The day starts early with "Pep's breakfast" for the early risers and lasts through 2 meals, other family food favorites brought to the park and a tempting dessert array. Only when the sun starts to set do we reluctantly say our good-byes and wonder how the day went by so fast. Luckily, we know that we will all get to do this again next year.